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Create a Lunar App account

Once your Lunar System has been installed, you’ll be able to create a Lunar App account.

First account

1. Download the Lunar App

a) Scan the QR code sticker on the front of your battery or search directly in your app store for “Lunar Energy”

2. Open the Lunar App.

3. Tap ‘Sign up’ and ‘Click to scan your Lunar Bridge’.

4. Go to your Lunar Bridge and follow the steps on the video below to open the Lunar Bridge door and locate the QR code.

5. In the Lunar App, scan the QR code.

a) If you’re unable to scan the QR code, you will need to manually enter the token displayed under the QR code on the sticker.

6. Enter the email address you want to use for your account.

7. Tap ‘Create account.’

8. Go to your email app on your phone and verify your email by tapping the ‘Verify your account’ button.some text

a) If you have the email open on a desktop or a separate device from the one with the app installed, you will need to manually enter the verification code.some text

i. If the app shows the Please check your email’ screen, go to ‘enter the code manually.’ 

ii. If the app shows the Welcome screen, tap ‘Sign up’, and ‘Click to enter your verification code.’

b) Enter the code exactly as it is displayed in the email, including capital letters and all characters shown.

9. Enter a password that meets the criteria. 

10. Read and agree to both the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, and tap ‘Set Password.’

Confirm address

11. If the address shown matches the address of where your Lunar System is installed, tap ‘Confirm address’, and check again before tapping ‘Confirm’. You won’t be able to change your address once entered.

12. If the address shown is incorrect, tap ‘Change address’ some text

a) Start to type in your address and select the correct address option when visible and confirm.

b) If your address does not appear in the drop down after typing it out in full, go to ‘Don't see your address? Input here.’ and manually type out your full address. Tap ‘Next’, then drag the highlighted area on the map to include your address. You can use your phone's location or a suggested location button to help. Once you're happy, tap confirm.

Invite others

You are then given the option to invite other members of your household to join the Lunar App. Just invite them with the email address they want to use for account setup, which can be updated later in Settings. There’s no limit to how many people you can invite to have access to your household*.

13. Tap ‘Invite a household member’, read the instructions, and when you’re happy, tap ‘Invite someone now.’

14. Enter their email and tap ‘Send’ for them to receive an invite email.

15. Invite more users using the same method.

You can invite others at any time in the app by going to Settings, scrolling to ‘Your home overview’, and tapping ‘Invite someone to join your home.’

* Please note that no one under the age of 13 may use the app.

Troubleshoot connection issues

Have you tried to create an account and received an error message?

'Someone is already linked to this home'

This means someone has already completed the one-time scan of your Lunar Bridge. Find out who in your household has set up an account, and ask them to go to Settings in their app to invite you. See section 1.3. 

If you do not know who has created an account linked to your Lunar System, please contact your installer.

'We're having trouble finding your system'

This means we’re struggling to find your system. Please check that the token input matches the Lunar Bridge QR code sticker. Alternatively, your system may not yet be fully installed and commissioned.

If you have repeated the account creation process, and you still receive this error, please contact your installer.

Join an existing account

1. Ask an existing account holder to invite you from their app’s Settings page. You’ll need to provide them with the email address you want for your account.

2. Once invited, you’ll receive an invite email containing a verification button and code.

3. Download the Lunar Energy App by following the links in your invite email.

4. Open the email again and verify your email by tapping the ‘Verify your account’ button.some text

a) If you have the email open on a desktop or a separate device from the one with the app installed, you will need to enter the verification code manually.

i. If the app shows the please check your email screen, go to ‘Enter the code manually.’ 

ii. If you’re back at the Welcome screen, tap ‘Sign up’ and ‘Click to enter your verification code. 

iii. Enter the code exactly as it is displayed in the email, including capital letters and all characters shown.

5. Enter a password that meets the criteria. 

6. Read and agree to both the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, and tap ‘Set Password.’